WTS 9.6m sp basic character

As the title says, i am for sale, many basic skills already trained, only ship skill is Caldari Frigate, so pilot can be taken in any direction. Has a full set of +4 implants, currently located in Jita, no killrights, has a positive isk balance.

full character sheet can be found here Grigori_Aakiwa

I will pay transfer fee by way of Plex via ingame support ticket.

Bidding starts at 5bn isk


6.5B ISK


8b isk


Current highest bid of 8.5b, not around until after DT today (17/05/18), so auction will stay open until then.


Highest bid. please transfer isk and send mail once servers back up. as soon as isk and details received will start transfer process

iak and account name sent

isk and account details received, support ticket filed for transfer of character via plex. many thanks for purchasing

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