WTS - 91.6m SP Subcap main - Asar Kardde (greatest pvper of all time)

I have 91.6m SP and a positive wallet.
Asar Kardde | Character | zKillboard - decent killboard
jump clones are in wspace/ns/hs
character is currently located in amarr HS
Has some skins but I cant bother to list them all out so deal with it.

90b starting bid 110b buyout

Can you show/post standings?

Still available somehow, buy today

80b offer

I can match the price if the other bidder bail out

Have you got positive edecom and trig standings and can you fly in all space if so ill bid higher

Just basically post qnsa if you can

.01 edencom standing and .74 trig standing

So ok to fly in all space without being attacked due to bad standings?

Excluding NS correct

Ok thanks 81 bill bid then

Send isk and account details to Asar Kardde

Isk and account details sent thank you.

Will initiate transfer within 2 hours

Has been initiated

85b if your current deal falls through :pray: