WTS 91m Focused Combat 2005 Character

Tons of subcap capability. Ready to start in on capitals if desired. Excellent drone, gunnery, missile, and defensive skills.

Fly almost any doctrine to near perfect skills
Loves wormhole life
Capable of the hardest abyssals in a variety of setups
BLOPs, HACs, Bombers, Command Ships, Recon, T3, Marauders, Faction Battleships

Located in High-Sec (Korama, near Jita)
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
1.3 Sec Status

Clones of note:

Starting bid is 55b
B/O is 70b

Please post here with offers as I will not be in game.

60b is a good price if you want to sell it as soon as possible

Thank you for the reply! Is that a bid for 60b? :slight_smile:

Hey, do you have acces to level 4 mission and have positive faction standings?.
How long till T2 hulk
I will bid 60b. For this eveguy

yes I mean, if you can accept 60b, we can trade right away. Can you accept it

62 b/

I can give 63b


I can give 64b

Price of 64b is valid for 2 hours

I would do 64b! I was asleep when this posted. :slight_smile:

Current bid is 63.5 I’ll close the sale in 4 hours at that price if there is no further interest.

64b can we trade?

Yep sounds good! I haven’t done this in a while, you send funds to this char, I think, and then I initiate transfer!

I will transfer the isk to you within 10 hours. You can start the transfer after receiving the isk ok?

Yep sounds great. Reply here when you’ve sent funds as I’m not checking in-game, please!

the isk has been sent to you
please transfer your account to weilin950828

working on it now!

Transfer initiated!


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