WTS 95.5m with unallocated SP

Abraxoxes Skillboard || Eve Is ESI || A Third Party Eve Online App

Wallet Balance: Positive
Sec Status: 5.0
Location: Jita 4-4
Re-maps available: 2

Total SP: 95.5M and still training
Unused SP: 187.500
Minimum Bid: 40B

40.5B offer

Thank you for your bid. I will run the auction until the downtime tomorrow (31st)

sent email .

You offered me 56B ingame. Please do it here. Thank you

Price is accepted in the game, waiting for reply, send Isk and account information.

Accepted! Please send the ISK and your account name. After receiving all I will start the transfer

isk and account sent .

ISK and account received. Starting transfer now

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