WTS 98.5 mil SP Super, Dread, Carrier & fax Focused toon

WTS myself 98.5 Mil SP

Billy Kanenald Quantum Anomaly

Wallet Balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Location - High Sec
Security Status +0.1
2 Bonus Remaps
JC 1 - High Grade Amulet set including Omega - High Sec
JC 2 - High Grade Rapture set including Omega - Low Sec

I’ll pay all transfer fees

Starting bid - 90B
B/O 115B

Thank you

90b offer

ty for the offer looking for a little more, Bump!

Daily Bump!

offer 93 bil

95 bil

97 bil

99 bil

101 bil

102 bil

105 bil

107 bil

110 bil

Thank you for the offers will give it until tomorrow at 1800 eve time best offer then will take it

are we going to haggle over a few bil here? lets just split the difference at 112.5 and get it done.

accepted please send isk and in game info

will do

isk sent and mail sent with account to transfer to

rgr will be online in about 2 hours will post here when the process has started

Isk received transfer started Will be completed after 12/11/2024 6:11:53 AM thank you for your business and enjoy!