WTS 138 m Sp Jump Freighters Nomad/ Black Ops/Rorq/ Perfect toon

  • Positive Sec status
  • In Jita 4-4
  • Positive wallet
  • In NPC Corp
  • No kill rights
  • All CPP rules apply

Starting bid: 95B
B/O 125B

daily update

95b offer

100b offer

ok sir
I accept your bet

you can send isk and username

hey mate! i can offer 96b :smiley:

How about 100? I’m ready to make the transfer to your account right now

I can’t sell for less than what another buyer offered me, 100 is a good price.

its too much for me… i have to ask a friend but i can pay MAX 97b :frowning:

my offer is available, you can think about it and let me know, sorry mate i would like to pay 100 but i dont have it

ok…go 97 bil

Scorpius Snapcaster is my alter, he gonna send you the isk and info.

1 Like

Info and ISK already sended.

let me know when you start the transfer please

Maybe you’d be interested in my alt?

character received although I’m having a bug with the omega game time!

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