WTS abyssal heat sink: 1.14 damage, 12.25 RoF

Give me offers on this beauty, as much damage as most officer mods, but way more RoF. (increase of dps more than a Chelm’s)

I have about a dozen other gyrostabs and heatsinks. All of varying quality i will let go for cheap.

Most are high in 1 stat, but neg in another (i.e. 1.4 damage mod, but maybe - .5% of RoF)

Let me know what you’re looking for and I’ll sell em for cheap.


2B to start you off for heatsink :slight_smile:

4b for it.

Thank you for the offers! keep em coming.


Will sell the heatsink for 5b today if anyone wants it. Need some isk for something else.


to the Top

Still for Sale.

4bil b/o

I’ll do 4.5b if you can do it right now.

I’ll do 4.25bil no more, contract if you want.

Deal, contract to Fred Uanid?

Cool, yes please.

Done, Thank you very much

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