WTS Alpha 5.2m near Cyber V good SOE

Hi, i purchase this character some days ago but need free the slot for other toon. Is Cyber IV but very near to Cyber V.


  • One day to be Cybernetics V (714 k poinrts of 768)
  • FACTION Sisters of eve 3.69 without connections / can pull now level III

I purchase this character to make him puller for Sisters of Eve Arc, bu tget other pilot with very high SOE, and not need him anymore. With a little time in connections can be very useful.

Not reading eve mail, if interested answer thread.

I am in high sec, not killing rights, positive wallet.

2bill offer


ou do the exact low ball offer to other people here. Please dont waste our time.

Is better pyurchase plex and hold the toon.

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