WTS AT Ships


WTS the following AT ships. Prices indicated are pretty hard prices - may be willing to accept trades. Discord or in-game mail to this character. Stock updated 16/04/2024.

1x Fiend - SOLD
1x Virtuoso - 250b
1x Chremoas -SOLD
1x Imp - 500b minimum
1x Cades - 275b
1x Whiptail - 315b

I will try to check this once a day.

Hey lil bro you take 265 for Caedes? Contract me if yes, ok thanks papi :wink:

Bump to the top for your piece of EVE history

200 for virt

210 virt

215 Virt

220 virt

Bumping to the top

Stock updated, bumping.

Moving to the top

Caedes still available?