WTS Avatar Titan Pilot
PW: 1234
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Good Standings
2 Jump Clones (shown in skills)
In NPC corp located in Null Sec
Has the following skins for the Avatar:
Deathglow Hunter
Lets start bidding!
All normal rules apply
Thanks for the first bid but looking for more!
Please eve mail me with what price you would like and we can negotiate from there
Sorry, I have been away for work. Still available. 45b is a nice offer but can you go just a little more?
Extraction value is around 32b. I’ll offer 42b.
I can match the previous offer of 45b.
48b ready as agreed in game. Confirm and I will send isk and details
Confirmed. Send isk and I will begin the transfer tomorrow once I wake up and see the isk has been sent.
Sorry for the delay. I will be home from work in a few hours and will begin the transfer then!
Isk received, transfer initiated! please confirm
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