WTS BPOs: Freighters, Guns

Freighter BPOs: All ME 10, TE 12
All sold.

Component BPOs: All ME 10, TE 20
All sold.

Component BPCs: All ME 10, TE 20 - ca. 190k/run
All sold.

Rig BPOs: All ME 10, TE 20
All sold.

Gun BPOs: All ME 10, TE 20

  • 425mm Railgun I - 30M
  • 425mm Railgun I - 30M
  • 425mm Railgun I - 30M

Bundle: 75m M for all 3.

Note: I don’t really log into EVE very often (once / twice a month) so either post here to get my attention, or bring some patience.

Still looking to sell it all

Still looking to sell it all

Your contract is up

I’ll take all those please.


ill take the Osprey BPO and an Atron

Thanks !

ill give 160 mil for the osprey

Your contract is up.

First come, first served, mate. Claire was first and thus gets the goodies. But since Claire asked only for the Atron, I’ll give you the other 4 frigate bpo’s for free. It’s better than trashing them.

Sold most of the blueprints. OP is updated with what’s left.

Still got plenty left to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

Still looking to sell

12B offered for these 3.

Contract up

Sorry I have to retract my offer, isk needed elsewhere.