Wts bpos

Archon 10/14
Thanny 10/18
Moros 10/14
nag 10/18
Apostle 9/12 x2
Lif 9/12 x2
Mino 9/12 x2
Ninazu 9/12 x2
Astrahaus 9/12
Pheniox 8/0
Chimera 8/0

If i can sell all at once that would be great. If not please send me an ingame mail with your offer. Thanks.

Still looking to sell

still looking to sell

still looking to sell these

Still looking to sell

still looking to sell

still selling

How much for the nag and one lif apostle and mino?

answered in game. BPOs still for sale

How much for the Thanny and Archon?

How much for the nag ?

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