Currently on contracts in jita:
Archon 10/16 - 3.7b
Apostle 10/16 - SOLD
Lif 10/16 - SOLD
Chimera 10/16 - 4.5b x 4
Moros 10/16 - 5.6b
Minokawa 10/16 - 5b x 2
Nidhoggur 10/16 - 6b x 4
Naglfar 10/16 - 7.5b x 2
Phoenix 10/16 - 7.5b x 2
Ninazu 10/16 - 5b x 2
Rorqual 10/16 - 16b
Revelation 10/16 - 7.5bx 2
Thanatos 10/16 - 5.5b x 2
Capital jump bridge array 10/20 - 5b x 3
Capital doomsday weapon mount 10/20 - 5b x 3
Prices arn’t really negotiable, but feel free to contact me with offers (preferably ingame).