WTS Capital Component & Ships BPO's

Capital Components

Capital Corporate Hanger Bay Blueprint 10/18 2.3b

Capital ships

Revelation BPO 8/14 3.5B
Moros BPO 8/14 2.8B

All located in Jita 4-4

Up to the top!

Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint 10/20 contract to me

Capital Jump Bridge Array Blueprint 10/20 this one also


Sorry, the Clone Vat Bay has just been sold via PM.
Contracted the jump Bridge, hope thats okay.

More BPO’s are added to the list.

List updated!

Up to the top.

List updated

More added and prices lowered!

Still for sale.

Apostle BPO 9/16 2B

I’ll take that

Capital Doomsday Weapon Mount Blueprint 10/16 3b
Capital Drone Bay Blueprint 10/18 1.4b
Capital Jump Bridge Array Blueprint 10/14 4b
Capital Jump Drive Blueprint 10/18 2b
Capital Power Generator Blueprint 10/18 1.8b
Capital Propulsion Engine Blueprint 10/18 1.9b
Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint 10/18 1.8b
Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint 10/18 1.8b
Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint 10/18 2.1b
Apostle BPO 9/16
contract to me

Any discount for buying the bulk stuff?

Sorry @Isell_That , it was already sold when I got home.

@Haleuth First, contract is up as discussed will contract you the DD in an hour.

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