WTS Capital Ship and Component BPOs

The following capital ship and component BPOs are for sale by private contract only. Prices are based on current and recently completed contracts. Prices are competitive, but I’m willing to entertain offers especially for multiple blueprint purchases.

Feel free to contact me with questions or offers via forums or eve mail. Thanks.

Ship BPOs

Lif        9/0   - 4.0b
Minokawa   9/16  - 2.0b
Ninazu     8/0   - 3.0b

Archon     9/16  - 3.6b
Chimera    9/14  - 2.5b
Nidhoggur  10/8  - 4.0b
Thanatos   10/14 - 4.5b

Moros      9/14  - 3.6b
Phoenix    9/14  - 4.5b

Hel        8/12  - 20.0b
Nyx        8/12  - 23.0b

Bowhead    10/16 - 5.0b
Rorqual    9/18  - 14.0b

[SOLD] Naglfar    10/18 - 7.0b
[SOLD] Apostle    9/16  - 1.6b
[SOLD] Orca       10/16 - 2.0b
[SOLD] Revelation 10/10 - 6.5b

Capital Component BPOs (All ME 10 / TE 20)

[SOLD] Capital Armor Plates Blueprint          - 1.5b 
[SOLD] Capital Capacitor Battery Blueprint     - 1.35b
[SOLD] Capital Cargo Bay Blueprint             - 1.1b
[SOLD] Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint         - 2.0b
[SOLD] Capital Computer System Blueprint       - 1.5b
[SOLD] Capital Construction Parts Blueprint    - 1.2b
[SOLD] Capital Corporate Hangar Bay Blueprint  - 1.8b
[SOLD] Capital Doomsday Weapon Mount Blueprint - 2.3b
[SOLD] Capital Drone Bay Blueprint             - 1.0b
[SOLD] Capital Jump Drive Blueprint            - 2.3b
[SOLD] Capital Launcher Hardpoint Blueprint    - 2.3b
[SOLD] Capital Power Generator Blueprint       - 1.5b
[SOLD] Capital Propulsion Engine Blueprint     - 1.6b
[SOLD] Capital Sensor Cluster Blueprint        - 1.5b
[SOLD] Capital Shield Emitter Blueprint        - 1.6b
[SOLD] Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint  - 1.8b
[SOLD] Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint  - 1.8b
[SOLD] Capital Siege Array Blueprint           - 2.25b
[SOLD] Capital Turret Hardpoint Blueprint      - 1.75b

All BPOs are located in High-sec (Synchelle).

I’ll buy all capital component bpos for 26.5bil

A little lower than I was hoping for, how about 27.5b?

In the interest of fairness, @Dai_Kyoko you have first dibs if you want them for 27.5b. Otherwise, @Achura_Deteis I’m happy to sell to you at that price.

The Achura offer isn’t real

Oh? Is this person a known flimflam artist?


This is the single best description yet. Also yes


I appreciate the heads up. I’m trying to run an honest business here.

could do 27. No higher though.

Okay, deal. Contract will be up shortly.

Thanks i will accept in 2-3 hours.

lol @ flimflam artist


would you do 43bil for the comp BPOS AND the Dread BPO pack?

Make it 45b and we’ve got a deal.

Nope ill take the cap part bpos

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Sounds good. Thanks for the business!

Hello, we’re open for business.

Hello, we’re open for business.

Hello, we’re open for business.

5.5B for the revelation bpo

Okay, sure. I’ll do that.

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