I am looking to sell off quite a few AT ships I have collected over the years!
I understand prices at the moment are quite high and variable however I am looking for fair offers on these ships.
The ships are in Jita, Amarr or lowsecs next to highsec. I can move them to the next-door higher if you’re not able to or scared.
9 Rabisu
6 Chameleon - 5 left
6 Malice - 5 left
4 Cambion
3 Fiend - 2 left (440bn for 1st)
4 Imp
3 Moracha - 1 left
5 Adrestia - 4 left 1 reserved
3 Vangel
1 Whiptail
1 Tiamat
2 Virtuoso
1 Etana
1 Mimir
This is a fairly useful collection for Tournament enthusiasts (should it continue) or collectors/pvper’s alike. Feel free to mail me your offers if you’d rather not post them here but I do not check my eve mails that often.
If you’d like to trade other assets for any of these, that can also be arranged. I am not interested in faction dreads or faxes, however Faction supers, titans, regular titans, supers or other fun things are welcome.
I have no interest in low bids from resellers or discussion on the prices, I understand we all have opinions but please keep to bids. Thank you!