WTS Cyno V, Stealthbomber, Exploration Frig (5.8m)


  • Cyno V
  • Min Frig V (Cheetah/Hound)
  • Cyber V

Positive Sec, No kill rights, positive wallet, located in hagilur

Plex Transfer will be used

Offers above 5.5b+

Confirming for sale


5b B/O

Offer still stands with a 5b B/O

I’ll think on it

ok well i have other offers out and i am only looking to buy 1 more char

Pump it up peoplezY

5.5b offer

Sure why not. Send isk to character for sale (jimbo cyno) and mail account name then post here and I’ll start the process

isk sent

Both recieved, saw your email about wiating 10hrs. Since this is a plex transfer I don’t control when the GM has time to do it so Im just going to submit the ticket now and chances are they don’t get to in the next 10 hours.

Here is the screenshot of the support ticket for the transfer: http://prntscr.com/plow2l

thank you, will post when rec

Transfer completed

confirmed, thanks

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