SOLD - to an impatient person that wants ccp to refund his isk and him keep the character

I feel like I know a bit about character transfers and I’m bored enough to reply.

There are 2 ways to pay for a character transfer:

  1. 20$, this is an automated method that CCP instantly kicks off once money has been recieved. The character takes 10 hours to transfer (not really, they just give a bit of buffer time)

  2. 1000 plex put into your in game vault and then opening a support ticket requesting a GM to manually move the character.
    Something important here is once the GM moves the character it is instant, there is no 10 hour wait period, there is no email that the character was transferred, its just done.

I’ve had a GM transfer a character in less than 10 minutes from opening a ticket, and I’ve waited longer than a week. You are at the mercy of the ticket queue count, and how active they are.

I always suggested its very important to advertise which method of transfer you plan to use in a character sale so the buy has the correct expectations of how long its going to take to transfer once a deal has been agreed upon.

I also found it cordial to include a screenshot of my ticket to the GM to help instill confidence in the buyer that I’m not scamming them

Example post: WTS Cyno V, Stealthbomber, Exploration Frig (5.8m) - #12 by Brock_Khans