Sale completed

I am for sale:

The character will be transferred using CC.

The character has a beautiful name, 17,7 mill sp in pvp related skills and Caldari ships, as well as 627.000 unallocated sp.

  • No implants
  • 1 JC
  • Positive wallet
  • Positive sec status
  • No killrights
  • 2 bonus remaps (*edited, the third yearly remap is available in october).

Bids from 10b.
B/O for 13b.

Will respond quickly to B/O.

10 bil

Thank you for the bid!

I am looking for something closer to the B/O.

Up we go!

Friendly bump!


i see you have lowered b/o
could you consider the 12B ?:)


I hope to go no lower than 13b.
Will wait a bit longer to see if someone offers more than 12.

Deal 13B :slight_smile: don’t wait too long

BO of 13b accepted. Transfer isk to me, and I will do CC transfer. What account name should I transfer to?

I will mail you later

Ok. Am in forest at military exercise, but checking phone every now and then.

Isk recieved. Starting character transfer in 10 min.


Transfer completed, please confirm reception!


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