Exhumer lv 3.5
Can use T2 Ice harvesters
Cybernetics V with Yeti 103 implant
Command Center Upgrades: IV
Interplanetary Cons: IV
Wallet Ballance:positive
Kill Rights:none
Jump Clones:none
Character Location: Kiskoken (ice belt)
5,116,726 m sp
Was training as a Alt for ice harvesting/Pi
Looking to get about 6 bil but also up for best offer.
I also have 3 Athanor’s anchored with T1 time rigs in the system as well that id be willing to throw into the deal if interested.
Sold for 5.2 bil pending payment and transfer
Confirming sold, isk + account details transferred.
Isk recieved… transfer pending with CCP…
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