Selling myself.
Password: 1234
300k SP unallocated
Heavy Fighters 5
Minmatar Carrier 5
Jump Drive Calibration 5
Not far from dread
Remap available now, 2 bonus remaps available
all ccp rules are apply, located in High sec, positive wallet and no killrights
Starting bid 40 b, b/o 50 b
Will accept 47 if you’re interested
I wouldn’t take his offer very seriously…he’s been posting random offers on other threads, usually undercutting the current bid.
Here’s a free bump for you
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47B has been transferred to your role, I will notify the transfer username by email later, I hope you can transfer the role by credit card. Because i want to use as soon as possible
I’ll accept it. Will start transfer as soon as I get username
March 27, 2020, 10:48am
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