As per the title:
Capital Ships V
Gallente Carrier V
Fighter Hangar Management V
Fighters V
Heavy Fighters V
Positive Balance
Located in Jita
No kill rights
Positive Security Status
In Npc Corp
+5 Implant Set
Remap available
Looking for around 35bil+ offers.
Thank you for the offer but im looking for a little bit higher, i will keep your offer in mind though.
35B offer accepted, send account details and isk to this character as per CCP rules and transfer will start as isk is received.
Bidder has not contacted me, or has replied in over a day thus this character is back on sale.
B/O 35 if offer accepted, let me know.
Offer of 35B accepted, Once isk is received transfer will start.
As per accepted, i will be home in 8 hours. and will transfer isk. Thank you.
As per offer accepted, ISK transferred to Hemera Chaos of 35b full payment with account details provided.
Character received. Thank you, Completed
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