WTS Focused Rorq Pilot. (18-23mil sp)

Pared down an old character of mine to focus solely on Rorq/mining. Have enough injectors sitting in his inventory that I can beef him up a little if you’d like Captital Indy V can be added, as can Jump skills or whatever else you want. Can get another 5mil sp into him easily. Selling him for roughly 1bil isk/1mil sp.
Open until Sunday night.

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Will be accepted in 24 hours if there are no other bids.

bid 18.5B

Current top bid. Will close this down in three hours.

I’m still open to injecting sp for skills on request, but price will rise.

I just want an account with RORQ mining skills,So I hope the transaction is completed quickly

If you send the isk and a message to Jackson Olacar with the account you want him transferred to I’ll wrap this up right now.

Confirmation mail sent, awaiting payment then sending.

Transfer has started. Contact me here or in game if there are any issues.

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