WTS Focused Tengu Pilot 11Mil SP + 250k unallocated 2 remaps


I want to sell my Tengu pilot

Positive SS
Positive Wallet
Perfect FW LP Toon
Can run lvl 4 mission
2 Remaps available

Located in Amarr

Skill Points 10,863,858
Unallocated SP 256,000


10 B/o


Daily bump

daily bump

Daily bump lower price

Bump !

Nobody interested ?

bump !

bump !

Bump !

Lower price to 10 B b/o

Nobody interested ?

bump !

7b is my offer

Have to make better offer to afford it

9b offer

I accept your offer Genevieve Mitsuda
can send isk and details

I will be home in about 3 hours and will send. Thank you.

ISK Sent, EveMail sent with account info.


Le transfert est en cours. Le personnage en cours de transfert restera sur votre compte jusqu’à ce que la transaction soit finalisée, mais ne sera pas jouable entretemps.

Nom du personnage: Orlando Afua

Sera finalisé après: 26/11/2018 05:38:29

Si vous n’avez pas entrepris le transfert de ce personnage, envoyez un ticket au service client.
