selling a focussed rhea pilot
9.8 mil sp (now 10,381,330)
500k unallocated (you could inject and train any freighter from 1 to 4)
5 implant set
located npc corp highsec
positive wallet
no killrights
clean killboard
all cpp’s rules aply
i do keep the right to cancel the auction if reserve is not met
12 bil bid
17 bil buy out
daily bumpatronical dancefestival
daily bump still for sale
daily bump stil lfor sale
offer recalled since seller gives no response
bump and if you make it 12 im willing to let it go
sicne the transaction is with $ instead of plex
oke i accept it
waiting for isk and details (details by ingame mail pls)
isk sent, and accept account info sent by in-game mail
working on it sigh ccp makes it harder than it has to be by not givign the ideal option here
payement is done will link the confirmation here when i receave the mail and you should also receave a mail shortly
Character Transfer Initiated
Dear xxxxx
You have chosen to transfer the character not here just-ignore to the account named xxxxxx
We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.
transfer completed. The account is well received.
August 31, 2020, 12:40am
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