WTS Gold Magnate [SOLD]

Bidding is now over, contract for 1,001,001 plex is going up.


So many T shirts…

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wow <3

How Darklight became Goodlight - This is an awesome way to “win EVE” and pass along a trophy.

Illectroculus, newly Defined - same to you :slight_smile:

Even though only one player is technically making an awesome donation that has put an exclamation point on this Plex for Good campaign, it feels like two are.

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I urge everyone who wanted to buy a ship, but could not, donate at least part of the isk to Plex For Good.
Show everyone how unique the EVE community is. :slightly_smiling_face:


It is a private contract per your Twitter concern, wasn’t ever public

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Well I’ll make it happen asap. Twitter concern was a joke, suggesting there might be competition :slight_smile:



Plex has been contracted


Confirming that CCP PLEX for GOOD has accepted a contract from Kelon Darklight for 1,001,001 PLEX. :+1:

Awesome stuff, guys. Thanks so much! :grinning::australia:


Now put those plex in cargohold and fly safe to Jita

It was cool watching EVE history unfold here. Congrats to Kelon for winning EVE

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as an Aussie i am (almost) speechless at the size of this donation and would like to extend my thanks to all involved … it makes my donation seem pitiful in comparison

Kelon Darklight
Illectroculus Defined
You gentlemen are true heroes … you have my respect



Reading this thread after hearing about it and seeing how casual Scott bid 1 million PLEX is f***ing legendary.

Well played on the auction and great cause.

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Absolutely incredible to see folks who are able to do something like this, step up and make it happen.
Thank you Scott and Kelon for your awe inspiring generosity.
There are some truly great people in the EvE community.

I would also like to thank you both for proving that the Gold Magnate (The fastest possible ship in EvE) was in fact not extinct.


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For all the infamous stories of betrayal and stealing in EvE im glad to see something like this happen, something that contributes to more than just moved pixels.

Hats off to both Kelon and Scott for contributing to this.

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