WTS GURISTAS PULLER 5M sp 5.5 faction standing

at the sp status with negativ security status and unknown if hes in high low or nulsec i offer 3.7bil (editted from 3.6)

it is a gurista puller with skills to acept and run burner misions in nullsec (venal)

I still have 4.3 … Offer stands …



4B Ill sent it now!

looking for more

5.5 Ill match her faction standing.

That’s all i haz!

If she had as many corp sticking out as corp sticking in she would be a porcupine! I’m still willing to give 6B but that’s my final … I have had no luck so . :frowning:

6b accepted send isk and account name to Tuc Ulo

OK Sounds good! 6B Sent to Tuc Ulo!![tuc|690x388]

Info email also sent !
Please confirm delivery and an On the way !

Transfer started via plex

How long does plex transfers take?

Give proof please . Don’t be scamming me :slight_smile:

last time it took 15 hours but is weekend i dont know if ccp work on weekends i want it gone asap too need that slot so dont worry XD

Ok thanks

the character have been transfered

Perfectly! Thanks !
