Looking to sell a Nyx and a Hel either together or separately.
- Both are in Amamake KS
- Both fitted with 3x T2 Hyperspatial rigs.
- Both have more than enough fuel to make more than 5 jumps.
Also have two Nestors and the following fittings and fighters I will optionally sell as well at JBV: Evepraisal - Appraisal 16wh00: 13.14 Billion Buy / 15.82 Billion Sell
You can reach me here and in-game, or on Tweetfleet Slack for faster response.
How much for the hel just hull and rigs
Everything is still for sale.
Everything is still for sale.
Everything is still for sale.
Good news! Everything is still for sale!
Against all odds, everything is still for sale.
Offer 75b for everything, incl.fittings
Everything is still for sale.
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