WTS Imp - 400b , Malice - 205b (Price drop) :)

10b for malice

@grimaxemorpher You can’t afford 10b after being scammed sorry bro :sun_with_face: thanks again for the bump though!

@Nie_Momaki I’ll offer you an ibis + 135b for your Virt if we are doing lowball offers

you seem to be more of a salty lad then sales lad. good luck

@Nie_Momaki I’m sorry you took offense to it, but even my joke offer is not as much of a lowball as your offer for my Imp. Virtuosos float from 160-185b + your 135b isk, which places your offer at 295-320b, do you not see how that seems like a bit of a troll offer?



Bump! Also open to trades etc

Bump! :parrotcop:

Bump! :smiley:

Bump! :pray:

Bump! :sun_with_face:

do you have imp bpc?

@sasha_alexa Only ship, sorry mate! (please buy it anyway :slight_smile: )

Bump! :deciduous_tree:

Price drop bump!

i r still here if ya wanna work something out :smiley: lord knows you have made a few iskies off of me :innocent:


Bump! :sun_with_face:

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