WTS Ishtar/Exhumer pilot with 19mSP and PreRequest skill to fly a carrier

PAPA JohnCena L is for sell!

Starting bid: 13.5 B

BuyOut: 16.5 B

Can fly Ishtar/ Exhumer

He is on his way to a Carrier pilot, but haven’t reach it. CanNot Fly a Carrier. 2h training time to fly a Carrier.

SkillPoint: 19,104,250

Wallet balance: Positive

Kill rights: None

Jump clones: High Sec and Null Sec

Current Location: Jita



10b offer

11b offer now

can u extract some skills ?




14b offer

Offer accept. Send me isk and your account. I’ll start transaction.

ISK and email have been sent. Let me know when the transfer is complete

I am not at home right now. I’ll check it and start transaction later today.

isk received. Transaction started.

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