WTS Loggerhead - SOLD!

Located in NPC Station in Amarr Space

Offers here or ingame

Guy is looking for 50-60b just so you don’t waste your time. Free bump

Thank for the bump, loser

Time wasters will be blocked, like the chap above.

So, what are you actually looking for?

Offer over 50B

I see you are a guy with humour . I like you. Free bumps

Thanks for the free bump.

Current highest offer is already 50B

He wants 55b lol last one sold for 42b less than a week ago. Says it’s worth 80b because of hypernet lmfao

someone want cheap logger xd

but yes, overpriced imo

Thread cleaned up of off-topic banter. OP, please limit your replies in this thread to one per day.

5 Posts further removed for being off topic. ~Buldath

Bump this up


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