WTS: Market alt with max station trading skills and great Jita standings

Looking to sell my market alt

PW: 12345678


  • Caldari Standings to support tax reduction
  • Max Trade skills for station trading. The only Trade skill not up is Corporation Contraction.
  • 200k unallocated SP
  • 3 Bonus Remaps Available
  • Sitting in +5 implant clone.

All CCP rules apply, including isk positive and I will pay for transfer via credit card so the transfer can happen right away for you!

I’ll run this through end of the day Sunday or until I see buyout of 15b


10 Bill.

Sounds like a solid offer if there isn’t any other interest. I tell you what, if nothing else is offered by 8 EST Sunday, its all yours.

Ill add a buyout of 15b

Best of luck on your sale! Thanks for using the sponsor feature

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Leroy, go ahead and send isk and account you want me to send to and I’ll start it after I’m done watching this movie

Went for work, will be back in 10-11 hours then I’ll send the isk and the account info. Thank you.

Sounds good. I’ll be around for 15 hrs as of this post

According to the picture it is 200K not 200M. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isk and account info sent.


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Vuukko Maikkoonen

Will be completed after: 3/19/2019 3:21:43 AM

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Character received. Thank you!

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