WTS max skills Exhumer/ pilot

Selling Cosmic-Flux,


positive isk and sec status 5.0. currently hibernating in K7D, Delve.
54 528 755 SP PLUS 827 000 unallocated SP for any fine tuning.


SkillQ.net - cosmic-flux

SkillQ.net is a site for monitoring skills and other attributes for character(s) within Eve Online.

2 jump clones in H-4R6Z and Villasen.

In short, max Exhumer skills, great drone, shield and armour skils. Always used as a Hulk toon with many billions made! no kill rights and living in an NPC corporation.

Asking 50B

For that extra passive isk making, he has great P.I. and Ishtar skills! A great all round money maker! A very versatile toon!

37 b/o

Thanks for the offer, it’s certainly closer than what some have offered. Can you up the bid some more?

Sorry.37b is my final bid

40 bil isk ready

Thanks for your serious bids guys (honestly). Is there any chance you can come a bit higher @Caldari_Citizen_2123055222 ? I have been presented with a similar offer but will hold out for your feedback.

I can go 42 bil but thats my max

If that is your max, I will accept that as a buy out. Please message me ingame to exchange transaction details. Noting I am Cosmic-Flux (HYPHEN). Pending some significantly higher bid between your mail and the transfer.

sent you an eve mail under Geities Frak

mail received and reply sent.

transfer has been initiated