WTS Mining Pilot 25.1 SP Exhumers/Ex Frigs/Venture/Mining Barges > Porpoise 3d

WTSell Mining Pilot 25.1 SP Exhumers/Ex Frigs/Venture/Mining Barges

Pilot Skills Link: D1GG DUGG Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)

  • in NPC corp
  • wallet balance - Positive
  • kill rights - None
  • jump clones - None
  • basic Implant set (training/mining)
  • character location - Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant

BO currently at 25bil, but invite close offers :slight_smile:

p.s. think I did the post in correct format.

I’ll start you of with 12 bil offer since you was just bought 8 days ago for 12 bil. :grinning:

I offer 14B

15B offert

16B offert

17b offer

18B offert

Mining Pilot 24.6 SP is worth more guys :slight_smile: Bump for today and hopefully someone will appreciate the value :slight_smile:

Currently training to fly Porpoise, getting Mining Foreman to V and Mining Director I.

SP at 24,8 mil and growing (Jita clone has full set of +4 stat Implants.)

Bump still for sale

19B offer

Thanks for offer @Kill0p - getting close. I know I have BO at 25, but I’m willing to take 22.5 this weekend.

Training for Mining Foreman V as priority - 5d 17h
Mining Director and Industrial Command Ships I and hour and a half after that - then able to fly Porpoise.

SP at 25,024,621 right now.

Still looking to sell this pilot :slight_smile:

Mining Foreman V in 3d 15h

Mining Director and Industrial Command Ships I an hour and a half after that - then able to fly Porpoise.

SP at 25,125,985 right now.

22.5 b/o

I accept. Please send ISK and mail account to transfer to and I’ll start transfer ASAP.

Isk sent to char and Message for account transfer thanks

Transfer Character initiated :slight_smile: Hope you enjoy this pilot.

Please allow the standard 10 hours.

Nice one thanks

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