WTS Nyx lowsec NPC Station

Initial asking price is 65B, all reasonable offers will be considered.

Nyx is currently located in Irmalin, shoot me an in-game mail if interested or have questions

[Nyx, *]
CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates
CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates
Shadow Serpentis Damage Control
Corpum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane

10000MN Afterburner I
Capital Capacitor Booster II
Sentient Drone Navigation Computer
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link

Large Plasma Smartbomb II
Networked Sensor Array
Fighter Support Unit II
Fighter Support Unit II
Warp Disruption Burst Projector
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II

Capital Trimark Armor Pump II
Capital Trimark Armor Pump II
Capital Trimark Armor Pump II

Siren I x3
Dromi I x3
Templar II x27
Termite I x18
Equite I x24

Oxygen Isotopes x225,674

Price has been adjusted due to no interest at initial price

Nyx is still available

Please excuse my ignorance as I have been away from the game for a long time, but how am I now seeing supers docked in NPC stations?

Free bump

Nah. These are just asset safety’d supers.
You can dock Supers and Titans only in Keepstars.

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Riperd Jacks nailed it on the head, took a break and wanted to make sure things were safe during the last siege of delve so I just asset safetied the lot. The nyx is the last of my assets that needs sold.

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55b offer

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