WTS or Rent WH c5-6 / c5-5 / с4-5-6

Systems for sell/rent:

WH c5-5 vanilla (Fortizar)

WH c5-5 vanilla (Azbel + Tatara)

WH c4-5-6 Red Giant (Fortizar + Astrahus)

My discord contact - SSQ pub


WH c5-5 vanilla (Fortizar+Astrahus) - sold

WH c5-5 vanilla (Fortizar) - sold

WH c5-5 Red Giant (Astrahus + 8 POCOs) - sold

WH c5-5 vanilla (Astrahus) – sold

WH c5-5 vanilla (Astrahus) sold

WH c5-6 Red Giant (Astrahus)- sold

WH c5-6 vanilla (Astrahus) - sold

WH c5-6 vanilla (Astrahus) - sold

WH c5-6 Wolf Raet (Astrahus) - sold

im interested, how much u asking for?

sent to PM.
System still for sell.

WTS WH c5-6 vanilla + Astrahus

how does this work? you found the wormhole and are selling the location of it? or are you also providing protection to whoever is buying it??

sent eve-mail

5-6 Vanilla awailable



5-5 still available?

only 5-6 remaining


how much for the c5/6?

reply by eve-mail

reply by eve-mail =)

how much for that c5-6 vanilla + Astrahus

sent mail

5-6 for sale

how much?

Sent EVE mail