WTS Originally spec for PVP, 5mil sp Eng skills at lvl 5


should be a quick train for a usable pvp toon as engineering skills mostly kept at level 5 for easy fitting.

Mechanics Level 5
Capacitor Management Level 5
Capacitor Systems Operation Level 5
CPU Management Level 5
Electronics Upgrades Level 5
Energy Grid Upgrades Level 5
Power Grid Management Level 5
Weapon Upgrades Level 5
Gunnery Level 5

positive isk, no KR, toon in hisec, npc corp

4b b/o

@SemiMartinov it’s yours for 4b send me isk and account name, I’ll transfer as soon as I get back home from work.

toon got 3 remaps and some interbus skin for atron and vexor just fyi

online now, waiting for isk and acct name

4b b\o right now

send me isk and acct ill do the transfer to you since i havent heard from the other guy yet

isk and acc info sent

Thanks! will transfer as soon as I get back home, just got to work and don’t have access to eve.

isk received, transfer started. Thanks!

Character received, thanks

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