WTS Perfect Aeon/Wyvern/Revenant/Apostle/Minokawa/Revelation Pilot


Char has HG Amuletss including Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Hull Upgrades HG-1008
Char has some Skins for Aeon (Khanid, Raata Sunset, Purity of the Throne)

Character has positive Wallet,no Killrights, no Jumpclones and is located in Highsec.

55 bil

I can offer 56 Bil

56.5 bil


A tiny bit more and im fine with it

obv offers below extraction value cant be taken seriously

daily Bump

daily bump

daily bump

daily bump

daily bump

65b isk ready

accepted send isk and acc info

transfer to account: mark21
Isk and confirm mail send ingame

recieved isk and acc name
character transfer initiated
hvae fun with ur new toon :slight_smile:

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