WTS Perfect Naglfar Pilot 27.5m SP



32.5 bill


35.5 bill money ready right now

36 bill money ready right now

ok. if u are online I am ready to start the Transfer soon

36.5 bill

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ok. I will give yijiayi 15 Minutes to respond to this otherwise it is your’s. Need to take a shower anyways xD

ok Cadri okanata won , contacting you ingame now

ok im ready here, will login ingame, need a couple minutes to move the money from several accounts

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ok np. I will be here for the next hour

its taking me a bit longer since there is a shitton tidi around jita and needed to sell some assets

all good
Guess It’s Pizza Time then :smiley:

im ingame now with everything ready, contacted you already ingame

Isk and evemail sent ingame, please send confirmation as soon as possible. Thank you!

ISK Received

Ticket Sent to CCP. Awaiting transfer Confirmation

Anyone got experience with Selling a char trough Support Ticket/Plex nowdays?
3-4 Months ago ccp responded and moved the char fairly quick (1h) and now it has been 9h+ and no respond to the ticket?

You can find some info here:


Maybe you placed the ticket in an uncorrect location. Please keep me updated on the transfer process. Thank you

It’s just down to luck really, how many other sales there are in the queue etc, sometimes they get to it same day but typically it’s will either get to it next day or the day after and initiate the transfer, it just depends when you put the ticket through. Doing via plex ticket they have to initiate it manually so it takes time as a person has to go through them all. 1-2 days is quite normal in my experience.
Also, it’s good practice to give the ticket reference number to the person you sold it to, if you haven’t already done so. I will usually just paste it in the thread on the characters I sell, but they might prefer a screenshot.