WTS Plex & Officer goodies!

WTS the following:

  • 2x Unit F-435454 Modified Damage Control - 8.1b each
  • 8x Mizuro Modified 800mm Repeating Cannon - 19b each
  • LSI Jita Split - Sold out
  • Plex Restocked 21k @ 5m/e - Sold out

How much PLEX do you have available?

Just around 20k left atm

ill give you 98b for 20k plex. Or whatever you have at 4.9

i’ll buy that 20k PLEX. and a lot more if you get more.

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Sorry all the plex sold. But I should restock again soon

How many LSI do you have?

Sorry I sold out on LSIs.

Update: Restocked on Plex. 21k at 5m/e

Up we go! Plex available!

Id offer you 103b for 21k

Sorry but I actually sold out again selling it at 5m/e. I should restock soon.

OK, contract plex to me when you can.

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