WTS Purples (over 200b total)

going to sell for current listed in jita price -5%
Panfam, HK special discount +100%

1x Nyx
1x Tobias’ Modified Stasis Webifier
1x Estamel’s Modified Cloaking Device
1x Gotan’s Modified Heavy Warp Disruptor
2x Brynn’s Modified Large Plasma Smartbomb
1x Kaikka’s Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
1x Tuvan’s Modified Damage Control
1x Unit F-435454’s Modified Damage Control
3x Unit D-34343’s Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
1x Unit F-435454’s Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
1x Unit P-343554’s Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
1x Unit W-634’s Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
2x Unit W-634’s Modified Drone Navigation Computer
3x Unit P-343554’s Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
2x Unit W-634’s Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
5x Unit W-634’s Modified Drone Link Augmentor
1x Unit W-634’s Modified Fighter Support Unit
1x Unit W-634’s Modified Burst Jammer

how much for both Brynn’s?

How much for Tobi web?

how much for the estemels cloak and the unit 634 DDA

Do your math guys, I’m not gonna waste my time replying everyone. Appreciate free bumps though.

“going to sell for current listed in jita price -5%”

There aren’t any Toby webs on market, so a little hard to do the “math” on that.

Maybe be slightly less lazy and give us all numbers?

Offer for Toby webber - 20b


6.5 w-6 drone nav
6.5 estamels cloak

All right lazy boy

1.5 for both Brynn’s

25 on the tobias web

PM sent to buy some stuff

After you sold me one for 35bil :thinking:

I need 2 ddas and a fsu willing to sink 10 bil

12b both Navi computers

16,25b Unit D’s Damage mods x3

Thanks for bumps, prices are firm -5%. Accept the deal or move on and stop being poor.

I’ll take the 2x Unit W-634’s Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancers.

ill take the 2 w-6 drone nav and estamels cloak

contracts up, just found I had three of w-6 TE, will you take it Ivana Voce?

sorry mate, was at firehouse and misread / eveppraisal lied thought the w-6 TEs were cheaper. apologies.

i am bad.

active, all items.

8.55b, exactly 5% off jita sell.