WTS Quafe skins

Came back after a long break and decided to sell a set of skins i wont ever use to get some isk in the wallet.
accepting offers on the following.

1x obelisk
1x thanatos
1x nyx

All curently in jita 4-4

what are the prices?

Just looking for offers atm

400mil for the megathron quafe

I’ll offer 10b for the set

The last Nyx skin sold for 46.3b 3 months ago, zero obelisk or thanatos sold in the last 12 months so the price needs to match the rarity.

Edited the OP as excluding the large 3 skins, the rest are plentiful on market

Mails all replied to, C/O around 80b

Weekend bump

New day, new bump

Current ingame offer stands at 90b for the 3 skins.
want to sell in the next few days if possible.