WTS Rag, Levi, Hel, Nyx

Levi and Hel located in 1dq ks (just hulls, both is t2 CDFE rigged)

Rag located in 1dq ks, fit: Evepraisal - Appraisal 10jddn: 10.16 Billion Buy / 14.14 Billion Sell

Nyx full fit + extras Evepraisal - Appraisal 10cxeq: 9.84 Billion Buy / 15 Billion Sell located in t5z ks

mail me offers


Weekend bump

Weekend bump


Actual, fitted nyx added

after-weekend bump

Bump. All prices below actual market\forums sell orders. Mail me.

Weekly bump


still for sale

Actual, added ragnarok

Weekend bump

Monday bump


Bump. Mail me offers, maybe we can have a deal.

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