WTS Ragnarok [SOLD]

T2 Hyperspatial Rigged + some free fuel for a few jumps

Basgerin Keepstar


Edit: As I need the cash the price of this Rag will be getting cheaper everyday or so. There has already been an offer of 61B, so right now that’s rock bottom. If it reaches that, it will go for 61B, so offers must be higher than 61. Good Luck! If your offer matches the lowered price for that day, its yours!

Still available

Still available

would you take 60?

Have already been offered 62, not taking 60.
Still looking for 68 currently.

REVERSE AUCTION GO! (details in first post) Still available, 67B

Basgerin Keepstar where that ?

If u have an offer for 62 u should take it, that’s an expensive rag by today’s standard

You say reverse auction, but bids have to be higher then your previous (62 B)… Am I missing something here?

Price drop 65B

Price drop 63B

Price drop 62B (one buyer backed out)

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