WTS Raiju

Yes Hello Selling Raiju BPC in Jita 4-4 160B please buy thanks.

Looking to sell

130B offer

hey wasn’t paying attention to this thread after feeding in the AG, that’s a little lower than what I’m looking for but at 160 it’s yours.

Thank you for your response. I got a hold of one already. Good luck with the sale.

Congrats. In that case, still up for sale at 160B then!

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Up for sale at 160

For sale!

For Sale

140b offer!

Hey there as you might have been able to tell I am not very active at the moment! But if you’re still interested I am looking to sell but at something a little higher than 140B!

how’s 141b

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155 and it’s yours

Still for sale!

135 bil

140 bil if you still have it.

That would be great with the abysall 31.4 heatsink i have. The chelms rolled

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