WTS Rorqual - Aunenen Keepstar

https://evepraisal.com/a/i3ein - Rorqual

https://evepraisal.com/a/i3i1x - SOLD

Both are located in a freeported low sec keepstar, please reply or message with reasonable offers if interested

*Edit: https://evepraisal.com/a/i3i1x - SOLD

2,7b for Rorq.

sold the last two for 3.2 and 3 bill respectively, ideally would want 2.9 minimum

U bet and GL mate

still looking to sell

had a few offers so far, still looking for a buyer

Updated to include a 2nd nyx which is located in an npc station in Konora

huh? this post isn’t the one that needs to be withdrawn, it’s the other that actually says please delete on it.

still looking for buyers

make sure to message if interested.

still looking to sell the rorq

still looking to sell the rorq, ideally looking for 2.8 bill at this point.

still up for sale

Instill have Nyx in Konora and if so is it fot?

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