Just at work right now, CCP still haven’t replied to my ticket, despite my seeing other tickets of this nature getting responded to in a couple hours -_-. If they still havent touched it when I get back home, I’ll cancel the petition and refund your isk.
I just check my account and confirmed character received, thank you
24 hours are passed long and i still havent gottena any confirmation about the transfer of Hawks McDuff and i cannot reach you ingame. Petition is filed
nevermind it got transferred now. just took ages
Sorry about the wait guys, was stuck at work and the petition finally came through, glad it’s all sorted out.
Konuatu Hekard 27 bil b/o @Arronicus
@Arronicus 28.5b for Karl Hakari
price of 30b agreed ingame to purchase Karl Hakari
Confirming we have agreed to this price for the sale of this character
Isk and account info sent
receiving help center errors, have informed topkek in game, returned isk for now, and petitioned the linking error. This character on hold for sale to topkek while the current issue gets sorted out, hopefully quickly
r u char still for sale?
Privately agreed to a buyout with Beast Tivianne ingame, pending resolution of the help center error (current status: escalated to specialist GM for review).
Will add 2 more rorq pilots for sale shortly.
Adding 2 more rorq pilots shortly
Konuatu Hekard - Sold pending transfer (Beast Tivianne) confirmed
can you accept a in-game chat?im confusing which char you r selling
Verifying that I am for sale
Isk must be transferred to this character to purchase this character
28,246,013 SP - please note information in op about slightly incorrect eveboard
Min bid 26b, buyout 28b
Verifying that I am for sale
Isk must be transferred to this character to purchase this character
28,392,934 SP - please note information in op about slightly incorrect eveboard
Min bid 26b, buyout 28b
sorry, updated original post to make it clear which characters are currently for sale
Effsea 28B B/O isk&account info sent to Effsea