WTS skill farm/traders (5m-6m SP) SOLD

I have four characters for sale. Good trading skills. +5 charisma and memory implants on all but Moggle Floggernuts (thanks, CODE)

Make an offer!





  1. All positive wallets
  2. No kill rights
  3. No jump clones
  4. All in Jita

First time selling characters, let me know if I missed something.

Each of your characters need to reply in this thread; confirming that they are for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Daily Bump. 4 chars with good marketing skills, one for each hub! (Rens is dead) Baggle even has Corp management V! Make me an offer!

Daily bump

daily bump

Daily bump

daily bump

you bid price is something youre missing :wink:

Starting bid 2b each

ill start you off with a 4b for each of the 4

I accept boernl’s offer

money acount info send

all 4 sold to boernl. Pleasure doing business with you

1 Like

nargle manglenuts and poggle loperbottom are on the same account, once nargle’s 10 hour transfer complete’s I’ll do poggle.

i receaved 3 emails so it goes as planned thank you

last toon receaved thanks for the businiss

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