WTS Super/Dread/Titan Pilot, 122m SP

WTS capital focused pilot. Great capital alt for people looking to fly supers and titans. I’ve been using as a nano super and dread pilot. Some of the highlights.

  • Amarr/Gallente/Minmatar Carrier all 5
  • All fighter skills 5 except support fighters (4)
  • Nearly perfect Gunnery skills
  • Minmatar and Amarr dread 5
  • Doomsday and Minmatar Titan 5, Amarr capital gun skills are maxxed out so can do an Avatar very easily.

Comes with a high grade ascendancy pod.

Positive wallet, no kill rights, located in Jita 4-4 with all jump clones.

Minimum bid is 85b.

75 billions, first and final offer… valid 24 hours before i buy something else

No thank you, this is below extraction value.


78b offer

80 bil isk


Thanks for the offers but not willing to sell below extraction.

Split it with me at 82.5 and I’ll accept it.

if we can lock the deal at 81? isk on hand

Will offer you the same 82.5 but not willing to go lower.

take it pm late

Send isk and account name to this character in game and I’ll initiate the transfer.

still on sell?

isk and account name sent

Isk received, transfer initiated. Thanks!

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