the missiles are to be sold as a set or would you be willing to sell them piece wise?
Ideally as a full set, as there is normally just 1 or two people want, as they’re more used xD
can you mail me the price , i wanted to buy one of the 4
Missiles have sold.
Are you up for Trade Titan BPO for the Revenant BPC ?
Can u provide more info on the BPO
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bump Rag BPO still to shift
Bump, price lowered!
Flycatcher BPO added to the sale
Have anything in my budget?
can you mail me the price on the gyro , small shield extender , medium shield extender , void and quake
Looking to get interest and offers for those right now, as I am just happy seeing what people other than myself value them at
Main one I am looking to offload is the flycatcher
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